
prima facie-

Well this blg is going to be exclusively for my GP
Well what a creative way ajc can think of, by getting us to blog
But i cant help to wonder whether 900++ blogs may prove to be too overwhelming for the teachers .
Though there will be students to read them, there is bound to be neglected blogs like mine?
okay lets chase the pessimistic me away!

lets get in business, the reason why i use this addy?
cause if you take time to decipher [like most of you WILL]
it means ' is that so'
this will be precisely my attitude when it comes to GP
i will place on my critical-thinking cap , if i have one
and apply to GP.

the shit thing is, i wanted primadonnas and primafacie
which i feel an apt add to use
BUT it was hell taken up by some one in the world
the thing is when i view their blog, its like rotting?
so i suggest, blogger shld automatically delete blogs that is not updating in at least 6 mths.
this would be fairer to others who are yearning to have the addy
in such a case, i cant help but wonder what kind of addy, my children will have to wreck their brains for, in order to set up a blog, under the gentle request of their school.
just like their mummmy who totally had a hard time thinking of her blog addy.
well. god bless future generation in many other things like the depleting water supply and vanishing artic as well.

ice melting really dont boil my blood, the thing is those cute polar bears dying.
how can one bear to see bears with those thick white furs melting with their organs floating on water?
what will the world turn into in, let say, a decade,
erm that i will left it up to your imagination or in your dreams
for me, a better one!
for sure cause i have faith that someone up there will come and salvaged the world

pray hard for polar bears and penguins!

is above counted relevant for GP...
i doubt so
the catch is, i am not a englishy person

* my true identity, a twit