
are online games to be blamed for the bloodshed in virginia tech?

I am sure many of you have heard about the shooting on the virginia tech (va tech) campus. the shooter, a va tech student, has been identified as a 23 year old asian male, south korean to be exact. he shot and killed two people in the dorms before going across campus and killing another 30 in classrooms before killing himself. total death count is at 33. 32 victims and the shooter. 17 others were injured as well. it was reported he shot each person 3 times. motive is unknown or not yet released. two pistols were used, a 9mm and a .22.

the inevitable fallout from this tragic incident probably will be guns and gun control laws, campus security scrutiny and I have even heard violent video games like counter-strike from the news media people.what are your opinions on gun control laws, campus security levels, and how entertainment media in general and video games specifically impact violence in our society?US gives its citizens the right to bear arms or have guns. I believe people should have that right. the question is should we, the citizens, be allowed to own automatic assault rifles and such?I also feel that US gun control laws are not adequate enough or they do not work well enough given that anybody and their cousin who is a felon can get a gun.campuses are generally huge open areas. how do you protect 2,600 acres as is the case of va tech?

I heard that there were no security cameras, but is it necessary? given that the shooter was a student, how do you guard against a student that lived on campus?I have mixed feelings about violent movies, games, etc. I am not sure how much of an impact these movies, shows and games have on violence in society, but given the columbine incident and others in the US, a similar incident at a canadian university and I think there was one in germany as well, where the shooters "trained" on games like doom and counter-strike according to news reports, we probably need to look into this.I understand that given the billions of people that watch violent movies and the millions that play these games worldwide, the number of these shooting incidents are small in comparison, but when it does happen, the impact is far-reaching. thus, individual should exercise control over reality and not live in a virtual world.
